Thursday, March 6, 2008


I'm squatting on the floor in Newark airport after having taken a couple of pictures out these great floor-to-ceiling windows. I'm just putting my camera away as an older balding man approaches me.
"Are you praying?" he asks me.
"No," I reply. "I was just taking a couple of pictures."
"What is your secret to being so beautiful?" he then asks.
I smile at him and blush at the idea and say, "Um, good genes I guess?"
I'm caught off guard by his question, but appreciate his kindness.
"Where are you from?" he asks.
"Michigan," I reply.
"Aaah, I'm from Florida. If I invited you to Florida would you come?"
I stood up as I had finished putting my camera away and said, "No... I don't think so." I hate saying no to people - rejecting them - but I felt it was best to not let this go anywhere.
He says, "You know what I love about Michigan?" Without waiting for an answer he says, "The four seasons." I agree with him. It is what I love as well.
We walk our own ways and depart with a wave & a smile as we go find our flights.
Sorry guy, I can't hang out with someone who says things like that to me, it might go to my head!
However, you can't blame a guy for trying.

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