Thursday, June 15, 2006

This is REAL

Current mood: crazy

Some of you may have seen this, but I just found it and damn is it funny. Some things have been xxed out to protect the stupid. Please read carefully and if necessary refer to a map or globe.

-----Original Message-----
From: KEIRA [mailto:KEIRAFAV@xxxxxxx.COM]
Sent: October 13, 2004 5:00 PM
Subject: Australia Trains

To Whom It May Concern,

My name is August and I am a Travel Consultant with Cross Roads Travel American Express in Kenora, Ontario Canada. I have a client that would like to travel between the cities of Sydney, Tasmania, and New Zealand at her liesure and would like to know if there is a train or railway system that links these places.

If someone could email me back and let me know where I can find this information, that would be great as I have spent the better part of the day searching to no avail.

Thank you for your time,

August xxxxxxxxx

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